Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas, everyone! Hope Santa brings you lots of nice books to read. I was lucky: I have a new Benedict Jacka, a new Guy Gavriel Kay, and a lovely quilting book so I can plan a whole bunch of new quilts to join the unfinished pile.

Christmas was very yummy at our house. The girls made these gorgeous Santas that featured in the Sunday newspaper last weekend. Aren’t they cute?


And here’s a couple of photos for the Dr Who fans. Don’t blink! There’s a weeping angel on the top of our tree this year:


Fortunately my husband’s traditional tree-topper is a great defence against their deadly gaze:


Hope you have/had a lovely day, full of friends and family and good cheer!

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2 Responses to Merry Christmas!

  1. Those strawberries look gorgeous! So clever 🙂

  2. Marina says:

    They tasted good too!