Changeling Illusion is out, and it’s my thirteenth novel. Feels good to have another trilogy finished–even more so because I finally got to reveal the big twist in Allegra’s story that I’ve been hugging to myself since I first envisioned this series!

How do you bring down one of the most powerful fae in all the Realms?
That’s the question Allegra has to answer in this final adventure. Kellith, Lord of Summer, won’t stop trying to kill her and she has too much to live for now to go down without a fight.
Plus, the exiles of Illusion are relying on her to bring them home. If she screws this up, Illusion will disappear forever, and Kellith’s next assassin may be the one to take her head.
This one was so much fun to write! There are midnight assassins, betrayals, explosive secrets revealed and that HUMUNGOUS twist at the end. I’m practically rubbing my hands with glee, imagining people reading that twist!
Grab Changeling Illusion now on Amazon and return to the thrilling world of the Realms for the stunning conclusion to the trilogy.
Will there be more books with Allegra and the Hawk? 3 books doesn’t seem like enough time to get to know them…Enjoyed them immensely! I do look forward to Sage’s story, and more works from you!
Hi Melodee, I’m not sure at this stage. I certainly haven’t ruled out the possibility–I really enjoyed writing them too! In the meantime, they’ll be appearing in a smaller way in Sage’s story.